Summer Block Party: Rungh Readings with Hogan’s Alley Society
Summer Block Party was a partnership event with Hogan’s Alley Society and Rungh held on Saturday, August 24 at Nora Hendrix Place (258 Union Street) . The event featured an “archive reactivation” of Rungh’s Antiracism issue (Volume 4, Number 1&2) (Guest Edited by Ashok Mathur and Sourayan Mookerjea). As noted in the Press Release for the event, Rungh’s Executive Director Zool Suleman noted: "Rungh is thrilled to be working in partnership with Hogan's Alley Society on this archive 'reactivation' project. Rungh's Antiracism issue featured pointed and political work on the theme by Wayde Compton, Phinder Dulai, Peter Hudson, and many others. This event is a part of the newly relaunched Rungh Readings events". Adam Rudder, co-chair of the Hogan’s Alley Society stated: "I have long been an admirer of Rungh's engagements with notions of 'multiculturalism', 'race' and 'belonging', and their deployments of the Beautiful to speak (another) truth to the power of the Ugly. We welcome this opportunity to coordinate efforts and collaborate on themes and topics that are, in my opinion, central to the work we do as well.
Thank you to the City of Vancouver for support through VIVA Vancouver, Cultural Services and the NEFC Plan.

Darcy McFadden at Summer Block Party

Patrick Pouponneau at Summer Block Party