Rungh Magazine Volume 5 Number 3

Poets. Poetry. Performance. National Poetry Month must be upon us and Rungh is in the flow of muses with seven poets in this issue. Sadhu Binning, Phinder Dulai, Rahat Kurd and Junie Desil perform their work as a part of Rungh's Relaunch Party. They also help to launch Rungh's new web video channel.

Rita Wong and Garry Gottfriedson write a new poem For Art, in memory of Indigenous rights leader, Art Manuel. Rita makes the connections between patriarchy and the killing of rivers in river sisters.

Mercedes Eng's poems and text collages connect the journey of her family, prisons, and bureaucracies that mime justice but practice brutal injustice. Similar, but not the same, themes are echoed in Fathima Cader's review of Sharon Bala's Canada Reads selection, The Boat People.

Sal Ferreras interviews tabla uber–ustad (yes, we made that up) Zakir Hussain, who reflects on creative collaborations with other artists. Chris Lee charts similar, but not the same, terrain with filmmaker Ali Kazimi about the use of archives in Kazimi’s documentary work, at the screening of Random Acts of Legacy.

If poetry, music and film are not to your liking, you may want to find out about vetalas from Kiran Kaur as Rungh publishes their original ghostly short story.

On the visual art scene, Hussein Keshani asks pithy questions about the relationship of South Asian art to local and transnational contexts in his review of Re Present: Photography from South Asia at the Kamloops Art Gallery. Madiha Sikander and Rajarshi Sengupta posit similar, but not the same, questions in their interrogation of “indigenous” art from India, in their review of Many Visions, Many Versions at the Surrey Art Gallery (all the stunning banner art for this issue is from Many Visions, Many Versions). Artist Hyung-min Yoon is featured in the Screens section with her installation that references race, migration and Kafka (yes, that Kafka).

Finally, Rungh is thrilled to announce that Simon Fraser University Library, Digital Collections, has launched the online archive of all the physical issues of Rungh Magazine published from 1992 to 1999 (page by page). Check out the SFU site. Rungh can be found sandwiched between "Robin Blaser Readings" and "Victorian Women Writers' Letter Project" in the "Literature and Poetry" section (no, we are not making this up), and between "Multicultural Miscellaneous Collections" and "Scottish Oral History Collection" in the "Immigrant Experience" section. More on this topic, in this issue, under the Archive tab.

Rungh. We continue to defy categories.

– Editor