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Welcome to the Anti-Racism issue of Rungh. Featured on the following pages are art, creative writing, and critical commentary addressing this increasingly important subject. As editors of this issue during a transition year for Rungh, Sourayan Mookerjea and myself found ourselves thinking about how to present such material in a journal that has mostly devoted itself to issues around the arts and culture from the South Asian diaspora. One of our concerns was that, as soon as we broach the subject of anti-racism, we necessarily move beyond what might be thought of as an exclusively "South Asian" issue. How then, do we address anti-racism adequately but still maintain some sort of connection to South Asian arts and culture?
What we decided upon was a blend of materials originating from a relatively wider spectrum of contributors. We also wondered how to determine what an anti-racist article or story or poem or artwork looks like—should it be simply informative, should it be subtly creative, should it be polemical, or does any of that matter?
We hope, then, that the range of materials that follows at least begins to address the complex issue of anti-racism in a contemporary, multi-racial world. In this issue you will find: creative writing in the form of prose from Marwan Hassan and Rabindranath Maharaj, poetry from S.Ramnath, Wayde Compton, and Mina! Hajratwala, and two letters from Phinder Dulai and Himani Bannerji; critical commentary from Peter Hudson, the Poonani Posse, and Hiren Mistry; dialogues on teaching and communicating from Louise Saldanha and Aruna Srivastava and Sharron Proulx and Sanhita Brahmacharie; and an artist-run centre from kevin d*souza and Arif Noorani addressing the complex intersections of race, desire, and sexuality.
We hope this issue on anti-racism contributes to the sounds of progressive change in all our communities.
–Ashok Mathur & Sourayan Mookerjea