Scheherazaad Cooper
Scheherazaad Cooper is an accomplished Canadian performer and choreographer, drawing from nearly thirty years as an Odissi classical Indian dancer, as well as a background in theatre, in her contemporary work. Her international performance career includes a range of interdisciplinary collaborations and solo productions, as well as devising, dance dramaturgy, and teaching in higher education. Cooper is committed to community engagement and regularly serves as expert consultant, community programmer, and policy advisor for local arts organizations. She received her PhD in Sociology and Performance from Goldsmiths University of London.
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Vol. 6, No. 1
The Courtyard Commission: DispersionScheherazaad Cooper, Kiran Bhumber and Nancy Lee
Performance engages architecture in an Islamic garden.
Vol. 5, No. 2
Multilayered EncounterBy Scheherazaad Cooper
Encounter tells the story of Dopdi Mehjen, an indigenous woman and necessity-driven revolutionary, who is eventually captured and tortured by the authorities.